Friday, January 7, 2022

Dojo Classics - Ride The Del Rey To Mars!

Here are some of Michael Whelan's outstanding paintings for his covers to the Del Rey set of John Carter of Mars paperbacks. There's a whimsy and elegance to these paintings which can't be matched, even by more venerable masters. These books I have despite owning the Mars stories more than a few times over. Barsoom seems to elicit some great artwork from some great talents.

Here are those covers with logos and such.

Rip Off


  1. This has been a great series of posts -- thank you for putting it all together.

    1. You are very welcome. These are actually from the ancient depths of the Dojo's earliest days over a decade ago and I thought they deserved to be dusted off and showcased all over again.

  2. I've never read any of the paperbacks, but I remember being well-impressed by John Carter's first appearance in the DC Tarzan mag back in the '70s. Murphy Anderson's art looked great, and I must confess that I was a little disappointed when Alex Toth took the reins with issue 2 (I think). When Marvel took over the character, I never really warmed to it, but I'll maybe re-read the handful of issues I have and see if I re-evaluate my opinion. Those are great images you have here.

    1. I'll hopefully be taking a looking at Anderson's brief but influential spin on the character. I do think Gil Kane might've given us the definitive comic book version though, and that one is coming up as well.
