There's little doubt that Buck Rogers came to the screen in 1939 as a serial because of the success of Flash Gordon. I like a lot of people I suspect just sort of consider this a variation on the Flash saga, though when you take a peek into the details there are some significant differences.

Now not unlike the comic strip itself the notion of suspended animation thrusting a man into the distant future five hundred years from his own is dispensed with almost as soon as it's mentioned. Buck just jumps into this new era with aplomb, bravery and an uncanny knack on the technology of this new era.

The anti-gravity belts are the neatest gimmick in this serial as they are distinctive and a neat twist on the classic rocket pack. The characters move in ways not exactly like any other movie I've seen of this kind. The spaceships on the other hand are just more flat and angular versions of the classic Mongo type. They all look like little darts, but they function pretty identically. The "Hidden City" is a pretty nifty thing and seeing those ginormous rock doors open and close is good stuff.

One of the weakest parts of the story is its insistence on flying back and forth to Saturn to get allies. Maybe there's some point being made about the events of the day, 1939 being a crucial year for people of good will to lock horns with a deadly enemy. The Saturnians are a fickle lot and without the constant badgering of Buck would have gone the way of appeasement for sure.

The cliffhangers are a bit weak, with more than a few being of the just shake it off variety. Deadly crashes are just ignored and at least one instance the story was changed to solve the dilemma. But I don't really watch them for that, but for the characterizations and Buster Crabbe is in fine form. He's a more mature go-getter in this one, less awkward on screen in the action sequences and his pal Buddy is fine and appears just the right number of minutes. Wilma Deering seems to have a good role early, but diminishes as the story tumbles along.

A really good serial and at twelve chapters not too long. Only a few partial repeat elements. Buck Rogers is a good addition to the Larry "Buster" Crabbe filmography, neatly tucked in with his Flash Gordon work.
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