And now as the impeachment of a president looms yet again, I find I'm at another period of life. I'm a widower with two grown daughters who are off and working in this wide world. I live alone pretty much save for a little snippy mutt I inherited from my late lovely wife who only ever called our current leader by one dismissive but deadly accurate sobriquet --"Dumb Ass". I spend my days teaching school for a little bit longer and watching old movies and reading old comic books and from time to time hacking out a dram or two for this here blog. The President being impeached this time is Donald J. Trump and rarely has a public figure earned more scorn and so deserved to driven into the backwaters of public discourse . He is a one-man blight on our land.

Trump is the most flawed individual to ever take the helm of these United States, a narcissist with a sadistic twist who craves power for its own sake and who appears incapable of any actual empathy for his fellow man or especially woman. He has found a groove in American politics, one scratched out by years, if not decades of open as well as secret corruption, and played that against those he dubs members of "the swamp". Intimidated by anyone with actual experience and acumen, he uses his office and the power it carries to beat off criticism of his often evident ignorance. And he's used his office and the integrity of the nation's interests to further his own individual campaign to be seek the office yet again in the Ukraine matter. It's called abuse of power and he attempted to coerce a foreign power to do his personal bidding. His constitutional violations are manifest and it only remains for the other authorities in our government to do their due diligence.

When my first impeachment happened I was a feckless youth and the President in question bowed to the will of the Congress and resigned before he could be removed, showing at least that level of respect for the office he occupied. When my second impeachment arrived, I was a husband and father in the middle of a career and the President of that time grudgingly accepted the condemnation that Congress delivered. With my third impeachment nearly here I am an older man, near retirement and the President in question is a threat to the republic who should be removed forthwith, but who won't be. And I only fear that if and when he loses his office a year hence he will respect the will of the people enough to step down. That is an open question in my book, one that only the future can reveal. The system has failed utterly to hold him in check save in a few instances of the courts, so it will remain for the people to decide if this self-absorbed, often witless, bullshit artist (and likely traitor) is to represent the American people yet again. Sadly I have come to fear the worst. The ugly shameful truth is that if Donald J. Trump is reelected to the office of President with all we know, it will be because as hard as it is to admit, he will be the leader America deserves.

But this is Thanksgiving Day, my favorite holiday of the year, a singularly American holiday. And I'm thankful that I am able to belch my displeasure at the way things are. Our current leader will not be our only leader, such as the citizens suffer under in Russia, China, North Korea, Turkey, Syria, and other regions of the globe. This buffoon is our cross to bear for a little while and then he will be done, and if not then the streets of this land will well and truly fill. Today I choose to be hopeful.
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