Monday, April 29, 2019

A Day In The Anti-Life - Anti-Socialist Tendencies!

The buzzword within the ranks of the "conservative" talkers (they hardly deserved the description "conservative" much anymore as they kneel before the antics of the foolhardy Trump) is "Socialist". They insert it into as many sentences as possible, to make certain the word sticks onto the gray matter of  their devoted listeners, folks who only like what they are told to like and hate what they are told to hate.  Much to my surprise frankly, they Republicans, led by Trump are again attacking "Obamacare" or more accurately "The Affordable Care Act" which marginally improved access to healthcare in these United States.

The absurdity of all these screams of "Socialism" is that of course the United States has been "Socialist" for a very long time, in an effort to blunt the savage effects of raw Capitalism which is the idol of most unthinking greedy Americans. The safety net which was put into place eighty years ago (over the cries of "Socialism from Republicans yet again) have given the U.S. one of the longest and steadiest periods of economic power in world history.

Ten years ago the utter ruin which is the United State healthcare system for too many of its citizens was deemed dire enough that newly elected President Barack Obama was able to put through Congress a scheme first developed by Conservative Republican think tanks as a possible middle-ground solution. This success was met with crazed rejection which was steamed up to such a degree that any attempts to refine or fine tune the program were met with utter contempt. Now they want to (yet again) throw it out.

There is no replacement for the current programs -- none! When asked to identify what they will replace Obamacare with, Republicans go silent and mumble about free-market solutions without identifying a single one which has proven successful. They have no solution, but instead resort to name calling. The name has been "Liberal", "Progressive", and even "Radical". The word that seems to have caught on recently is "Socialist", so they say it as loudly and as often as possible with no regard to the reality of circumstances on the ground.

I wish I could say such scare tactics would not be rewarded, but alas I cannot with certainty suggest that. We suffer under a leader now who got there by scaring folks about the imagined loss of their ethnic identity and by pointing to a scapegoat to heap all their woes upon. Now once again the boogeyman comes out when those in power want to keep us back from the fences, the fences they make a little stronger and a little higher each and every day. One day the rich and powerful might well need those fences.

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  1. Superb point about the fact that the U.S. has – in many, many instances utilized, and successfully implemented socialist ideals in its long history - both recently and historically. How it became the big-boogeyman-word for those among the Right baffles me too. I’ve been reading this little publication for some years now (going back to my Navy days in 1980 when someone handed me a paper copy in Balboa Park, San Diego.) If only Trump & his vapid rally supporters would chill out and do some thinking… ...Make America Literate Again!

    1. I sometimes feel a tinge of despair when I see how many contrary facts stare all of us in the face, yet it seems not to change a single mind. Thinking seems to be an old habit, now we feel from the gut.

      Rip Off

  2. It's the same thing as the wall. They had two years where they were in charge of Congress and the White House and they did NOTHING!

    Now they act like it is a HUGE deal and try to blame the Democrats.

    At some point they figured out that they don't have to actually do anything. FEAR is the biggest motivator for their voting base.

    1. It seems there is more a desire for conflict than resolution and that makes sense if you're looking to stoke a fire for reelection, but what about the problem, folks don't seem to get it. The demographic change which will sweep the country is scaring lots of folks and sadly conservatives have been adept at stoking ire and using power to limit the effects of those changes -- see the Census fight.

      Rip Off
