Wednesday, January 30, 2019

DC Meets Hanna-Barbera Volume One!

Saturday morning was once upon  a time a special time for kids, a time when the outside world gave way to our desires and catered to our tastes with the thing we loved most -- cartoons. Animation in the theater had always been a thing for adults and children alike with cartoons that were sophisticated and sometimes even naughty to capture an adult's attention, but also filled with a surreal whimsy which was something kids were able to taste especially well. Then  came the great beast television and its demand for product created cartoons which were just for children and even a time which was just for children. School was set aside for a day and there was not church to attend and if you were lucky enough to be among the middle class or near it you might have that precious thing called leisure, a time of no work.

Hanna-Barbera filled that sack effectively with cartoons which while limited in their form were unlimited in their understanding of the kid's secret desire, a desire to be more. The recent Hanna-Barbera comics from DC have really allowed me to tap into that kid who craved Space Ghost and Jonny Quest and who never stopped loving them. These wonderful crossover comics with the likes of Green Lantern, Adam Strange, Booster Gold and the offbeat Suicide Squad interacting with the Flintstones, the Banana  Splits and the aforementioned Space Ghost and Jonny Quest really are works of love. Where once the creations of the Hanna-Barbera studio and DC Comics shared the small screen, now they share a smattering of comic books.

Here are the covers of the four special issues in this volume.

More to come tomorrow with Volume Two.

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