Capricorn One comes from a time when we got our conspiracy theories from the likes of the Weekly World News and not the Oval Office. One of the most prevalent conspiracy theories I've run across is the crusty notion that the United States did not put men onto the surface of the Moon, and that the whole shebang was just a product of the "Industrial Military Complex" and it's need to keep a tight tether on the fickle public. Sometimes aliens get mixed into this rhubarb, but the essential element is that government of the people and for the people spends most of its time lying to the people. Now I'm not going to say that governments don't lie, they do with regularity, but the dopey and preposterous notion that we didn't go the Moon ain't some of them. This lack of trust in public offices and the conjoined notion that science ain't all it's cracked up to be has no small part in the current debacle the United States lays claim to as a public health response to a global pandemic. In a world where people profess to believe the Earth is not only flat but only six thousand years old, confidence in the rigors of science does not prosper. The end of the "Enlightenment" is at hand amigos.
Tomorrow change arrives in the Dojo!
Rip Off
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