Monday, September 30, 2019

This Target Earth!

We close out this month of apocalyptic damage with some exceedingly whimsical covers from DC's venerable sci-fi comics Strange Adventures and Mystery in Space. Much has been made (and will be made again perhaps even next month) of DC's use of gorillas to motivate sales. But something about the beautiful "Blue Marble" we call Earth seems to have been a winner also given the number of covers which have exceedingly light-hearted fantasy themes.

Rip Off


  1. All those covers show North and South America - some show Europe and Africa but none show Asia and Australia.

  2. I bet Julie was sorely tempted to schedule a full comic book series called "Gorillas in Space".

  3. DC mainstay Murphy Anderson did a new, spectacular, tribute wraparound cover for the 1980 TPB Mysteries in Space...featuring both a pair of winged space gorillas and an arrow impaling the Earth!
