Wednesday, September 4, 2019

When Worlds Collide!

The world really does come to a shattering end in When Worlds Collide, a movie by George Pal based on the novel by Phillip Wylie. There's not much to say about a movie that has a razor sharp plot. Another planet is discovered heading on a collision course with our lovely Earth and scientists calculate only a tiny time for survival and the so a scheme is hatched to build a rocket and send desperate survivors to a satellite of the onrushing destroyer.

It's a crackpot scheme built on wishes and hopes and little else but it consumes what remains of the lives of the people we follow in this movie. The real point of the movie was to fabricate the enormous craft which will speed into space carrying its precious cargo of people and other living things of Earth. The method is visually spectacular, with a ship sliding along a great track. The movie ends with the utter destruction of the Earth but what happens after is the secret. Getting to that point is the story and shows off man's best and worst characteristics.

This is a must of sci-fi buffs who don't need me to tell them that and for others, it's a well-crafted movie which suffers from too much head and too little heart, but both are there.

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