Thursday, October 4, 2018

Fight The Machine!

Just wanted to take a few moments to let folks know that there have been a few small changes in comments here at the Dojo. I have resisted putting any limits on comments here for as long as the blog as existed, but alas I have been forced to moderate comments going forward due to some outrageous spam which was spreading itself throughout the blog. I've clamped down a bit and hopefully pruned out all of the offending claptrap. Sorry for any minor inconvenience this might cause, but we do what we have to do sometimes.  My love-hate relationship with technology continues.

Rip Off


  1. It's kool.
    I was receiving a lot of notifications of spam on posts I had commented on.
    Once they know they can post without restraint, they flood the comment boards.
    I can tell you it's an added burden to police your boards, but it does work!

    1. It won't be that big a deal here as I only have one blog and only get a few comments from reliable folks like yourself. When I first discovered the extent of the problem, I thought I might have to just close up and start anew, but I was able to stem the tide.

      Rip Off
