Friday, November 5, 2021

Dojo Regeneration!

Well the Dojo is back, running now with the assistance of a brand new shiny computer. I opted for a new desktop model given my mostly sedentary ways. It suits my situation quite nicely. I realized after purchasing it that I have not had a completely new computer of my own since before this century started a few decades ago. I've made do with hand-me-downs from my daughters or mismatched bits and parts from various and sundry computers from second-hand stores and such. This is a sleek new package entirely. I have alas lost years of stored images which I have used to decorate my mutterings and musings. So I will begin anew, and that's not a bad thing at all. It will affect plans I had for upcoming projects but then I'd have likely changed my mind about those anyway. 

Also the Dojo has been or tried to be a daily blog and that has become increasingly difficult to accomplish. In the past year I have more and more relied on vintage posts from the archives to fill in the weekdays at times. Going forward don't be surprised to see a day or perhaps two slip by without a new post. I want to loosen up in that regard and not make the blog such a seeming chore a times. I still have lots of fun here and want to stick with it as long as it makes sense. 

So bear with me as I learn to steer my brand new craft into the sometimes choppy waters of the internet. 

Glad to be back. 

Rip Off 


  1. Welcome back. I bought a brand new Chromebook laptop last year and it was money well spent! There's no point struggling on with an old failing computer when you can buy a shiny new one.

    1. The old one was still technically functioning but it was overheating after less than an hour and was doomed. I had to get a new one this time as all the good second-hand places around me have gone out of business. I must confess I rather like this shiny new thing, though time will tell of course.

  2. Good to see you back with your new PC. I don't know how you can maintain such an interesting daily blog, I struggle to do this monthly in my own effort.

    1. I'm very glad you find the blog interesting. I sometimes think I've said all I want to say and then some new idea or character looms in my mind. That said, I expect next year will see a slight slow down here as per content. I want to stay up and running, but daily can feel a drudge at times.
