What if Jack did sexy comics? Well look no further because here we have Galaxy Green, a proposed ground-level tabloid-style sexy comic by the great one himself. Here is the two-page proposal, inked by Mike Royer.

And here's part of an interview with Twomorrow's Comic Book Artist with Mark Evanier about the project:
CBA: It was somewhat provocative material for Jack Kirby, right?
MARK: Up to a point, yeah. You know, the thing about "Galaxy Green," that strip he did, was that we had talked to Jack about erotic comics, and Jack felt he could not do them; that he was not physically able to sit down and do something as adult as he knew an adult strip would have to be to be commercial. It was a very strange situation, in that Jack felt there was a huge market out there that wasn't being tapped. In fact, he was talking to Wally Wood during this period, and he encouraged Wood greatly in that direction. But Jack felt that he could not draw a strip with naked women in it.
CBA: Well, with "Galaxy Green," Jack was doing sexy material.
MARK: What you saw there was Jack going as far as he felt he could-that's what "Galaxy Green" was. It was almost an experiment. That was about as dirty as he could make it. Today, it looks relatively tame.
Here's a link to the complete CBA Evanier interview.
Out today is the latest issue of The Jack Kirby Collector featuring in full cover the Galaxy Green girls. Here's a link to the solicitation. The TJKC has become a rarer event and to better effect as the over-sized pages are always a delight to leaf through. I'm looking forward to this one especially with the emphasis on off-beat unfinished Kirby material. There's even some stuff on a project which has extended the Galaxy Green storyline.
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