Alter Ego #95 features Not Brand Echh artist supreme Marie Severin and also offers up a detailed breakdown of all thirteen of the Not Brand Echh comics as well as the follow up reprint book Crazy. This is an issue of Alter Ego not to be missed.
Books like NBE and MAD were the filters for pop culture for isolated youngsters like myself. I couldn't see the movies or all the TV shows or buy all the comics, but in books like these I could get a sense of what was going on.
Aside from the debut issue featuring a "King" Kirby cover, the run featured covers by Marie Severin, an artist who has a knockout ability for caricature and a very lively line too. Tom Sutton assisted on two covers for issues #4 and #5, but the rest is clearly the hand of "Mirthful" Marie.
Here's a gallery. Enjoy!

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