You have got to be kidding me! Fox News suggests that the change in Wonder Woman's costume is a kowtow to Globalism. Gosh almighty, is there anything on the planet that bunch doesn't interpret as a threat to the nation's security, however tiny or seemingly insignificant.
Where are the accolades for Wonder Woman finally covering up that magnificent body, so as to not tempt the feckless youth who might blunder across her adventures? Ain't that a good thing? But who am I fooling, kids quit reading comics years ago.
And further, doesn't Fox realize (he asks rhetorically) that costume changes are de rigueur in the comics industry. The companies don't have to have much of reason aside from good old American capitalism (God bless it) to want to dabble with iconic looks. They've done it enough times in the past. Here's a tiny gallery.

And if you really want to know what I think. I think this costume change was arguably the most significant in comics history.

When Disney made Howard put on pants, that said more about the reach and nature of modern business behemoths than just about anything I've heard or read about since.
As for Wonder Woman.

Be careful out there you all.
Rip Off
Rip: I don't like the new costume myself (and then some), but considering it a move toward an anti-American, more-global perspective? Somehow a slap in the face to the red, white, and blue? Please. Corporate thinking doesn’t go that deep. As you say, it was committee decision designed to appeal to the maximum number of wallets. A financial decision, not (snort) an ideological one.
ReplyDeleteI meant to bring this up at the GSB Board. I can't believe JMS has managed to muck up another comic character. I think the new look is really boring. Wonder Woman suddenly looks like any number of characters from the last 20 years or so instead of the icon she is. I don't see how it will help them sell even one comic.