Thursday, July 22, 2010

Don't Ask!

I have no explanation for this Swedish comic book cover featuring Mort Walker's classic character Beetle Bailey. He's called "Knasen" on the cover and as far as I can figure that translates to "crush" as in to crush together.

I don't know what Sarge is yelling but I'll bet it's a reminder about a U.S. military policy of some kind.

Here's a link to some other less than family-friendly Beetle shenanigans.

Rip Off


  1. You didn't ask, but I'll still tell...

    Sarge is yelling: "Girls won't EVER want to see a pin-up of you!"

    (Although your implication is far funnier. :) )

  2. Thanks for the info. That makes sense, but I'm very curious about the three stars on the ribbon across Beetle' ahem...privates. It seems more than a smidge suggestive.

    Rip Off
