The artwork above by John Buscema serves very well as an iconic snapshot of what was happening at Marvel Comics in the middle 70's. There are the superheroes of course, but laced in among them are all manner of monsters, cowboys, martial artists, a swaggering barbarian, and even a bronze superman of another age.

This wonderful art by John Buscema and Joe Sinnott (one of the best collaborations between these two I've seen) captures a neat Bronze Age moment in time. It served perfectly as a poster for the Marvel Comic Con in 1975.

I wish I'd been savvy enough to perhaps order one back in the day when I had the chance.

The stuff above I found scanning some ebay auction and is some neat swag from a simpler time, when comic conventions were still small scale things, and not overwhelming multi-media events where comic books are only a relatively small part of the buzz.
Rip Off
All this stuff looks SO cheap now! Too bad we got paid comparatively as little! ;)