Monday, May 24, 2010

Howie Post RIP

This is crummy news. Howie Post had one of the most lively lines in comics, his funny stuff for Spooky the Tuff Little Ghost and Hot Stuff is awesome, so vivid and powerful. The recent reprints from Dark Horse really show off his style.

He's most famous I guess for the short-lived but long-remembered Anthro, a story about a Cro-Magnon teenager.

Here's a link to Mark Evanier's comment on Post's passing. And here's a link to a longish interview with Post about his career.

Rip Off


  1. Post was one of my all time favorite comic book artists. His style was so free and easy, he always made me feel great just to look at his work. He was incredible. I am so sorry to hear he's gone.

  2. There is no setting like the Cro-Magnon era that a teenager would rather be in.


    Steven G. Willis
