Above is the first half of an up-to-then unpublished Captain Atom story. Charlton Bullseye was a fanzine begun by the CPL Gang (Roger Stern, Duffy Vohland, John Byrne, Bob Layton, and others) which got hold of some of Charlton's unpublished material thanks to then-editor George Wildman and made it available to the fans, in glorious.
It's a real treat to see Byrne's inks on prime Ditko pencils. The story involves Cap with his arch-nemesis The Ghost and guest stars the Deadly Nightshade. It's a whopping bruiser of a story.
The Al Milgrom cover is fantastic, and is neat since the revision of Captain Marvel (which Milgrom inked and later penciled) was largely based visually on Captain Atom.
The "Jon G. Michels" credited with the script on this one is actually Roger Stern.
The second half of the story appeared in Charlton Bullseye #2, and appears here.
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I never realized that was Byrne's inks, despite having read it a few times over the years. Interesting!
ReplyDeleteI've never seen that before. Thanks for posting it!
ReplyDeleteYou guys are welcome.
ReplyDeleteYou'll find that the Byrne influence gets stronger (I think) in the second half.
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I have this fanzine,and was VERY disapointed when dc reprinted it in the capt. atom archive collection, that they didnt color it. IF they had done so,just for a colorized edition,I would have bought it.