Thursday, July 4, 2019

Waugh Up America!

Rarely has a moment been more propitious! Today is the day! It is time that these United States looked beyond the narrow confines of the human race for its leadership. That has alas proven to be a dead end. We need a broader spectrum of candidates from which to choose, so why not go with the one entity who got it right first, the one who saw with a clear-eyed alien perspective that we were fowling our own nest. And further one who was unafraid to speak truth to power.

What was good in '76 is even gooder in this 21st Century. Howard the Duck for President my friends! Not only could we do worse, we have.

This ad paid for by no one in order to build a stronger America.

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1 comment:

  1. I, for one, shall happily change my party affiliation to the "All-Night" Party if Mr. Duck accepts the nomination.
