Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Day In The Anti-Life - The Racist!

The laws of gravity have been nullified, the sun rises in the west and words no longer mean what they meant. What we once knew as "up" is now relegated to "down", or such the sniveling cold-blooded defenders of the racist leader of the (for now) free world would have us believe. I listened for the inevitable and inadequate spin after Trump's latest tweet barrage (as I write this at least), knowing it would come and even still hoped that maybe some few more of his lackey dogs would break away, shaking the fleas if only for a moment. But too few. Hear that bell -- souls are being cashed in as we speak.  

"President Dumb Ass" (my late beloved wife's apt description of the ruthless lout) bellowed on his twitter box that four members of the United States Congress should just "go back" to the "crime infested places from which they came". This red-hot racist screed, a classic white-power taunt is what it is, and no amount of  syllable twisting by the toady class will undo it. I heard some wheezing nonsense about the fabric of the country and the something about patriotism and then something else as the quislings tried breathlessly to put this latest outburst in the arena with kneeling during football games. Then I heard "Socialist" and I guess we all fall down like well-tutored dogs. (The Republican message for the upcoming elections goes like this -- "Blah, blah, blah, Socialist, blah, blah, blah, Socialist, blah, blah, blah, Make America Great Again.")

But what I find most troubling is that still yet those in the mobs at Trump rallies who shout "Send Her Back!" are still yet somehow given a pass on whether they are racist or not. A racist is anyone who  says or does racist things. That's not difficult to parse, yet every day excuses are found to explain behavior which would get us all reprimanded sternly in grade school. The election of Barrack Obama did not put to bed the long-lurking multi-generational racism which in many respects defines the worst of America, it simply put it front and center and focused the attention. Republicans have been playing with these tropes forever and a day, but they kept it generally in the shadows. One time it famously got loose was when the vaunted George Bush Senior launched his Willie Horton ad in his contest with Dukakis way back when such grim tactics were deemed ugly but effective. It's that effectiveness that should scare us all -- this vile stuff works in America and long has done so. It was not so much that Hitler delivered a speech which threatened the fabric of German society and the world, it was that so many eagerly listened. 

I admit I have found the President to be often a ludicrous figure, hapless and foolish, but as he fits himself into the seat of power with increasing comfort, the cold unfettered darkness in his soul emerges and takes dominance. There is much blame to sling around for allowing this demagogue to ascend. The Republican Party is largely responsible and in reward has been swallowed whole by the monster they refused to kill in the crib and now they can only pretend to stand for something other than individual greed and advancement. The party of family values has eaten of the heartily of the Tree as the viper sings. The Democratic Party is responsible and has been timid and slow to respond even when given the tools to do something about it -- they seem meek and mild and unequal to the task at hand. They see too much of themselves across the aisle perhaps. The media (Fox and MSNBC and all of them) has been responsible as they always are eager to present the daily drama which might get the title "The Fall of the United States of America" on their omnipresent chyrons.  Me and people like me who haven't yet taken to the streets in protest are equally to blame. We are all of us to blame for not taking it more seriously sooner, but mostly to blame is the Racist himself.

Rip Off


  1. Here in the UK we are soon to get a new Prime-Minister who will almost certainly be Boris Johnson, an appalling Trumpian buffoon who referred to Barack Obama as "half-Kenyan". And British Conservatives refuse to call Trump a racist when invited to do so...sigh.

    1. I've been limiting my news intake of late to keep my blood pressure under control. I take a peek to see if war has broken out and then I scurry back to my comics and movies and such. I grew up with the perfidy of Nixon and these last few years have been quite the refresher course. What's spreading across Europe too is not friendly those who think and don't merely allow their "gut" to inform their decisions. I really thought when he took office this would be stalled by now and we'd be living out the last few pathetic months of a failed demagogue as the weariness set in, but I actually see the tempo picking up.

      Rip Off

  2. Here's some good news. In the recent elections for the European Parliament the racist, xenophobic far-right parties went backwards. They were expected to do well and gain lots of seats but they didn't .

    1. When the Democracts took the House of Representatives a little over a year ago, it spared us from some of the legislative nightmares, but the "Dear Leader" keeps finding ways to abuse his powers. And that smarts because of what it is, but also because yet again the Republicans bellowed for a decade of how dangerous this is. Now nothing! Sigh.

      Rip Off

  3. Given that 3 of the 4 were born in the USA, the ARE trying to "fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"
    Not that a totally broken criminal could acknowledge that.
