This adaptation of King Kong by Don Simpson for the Fantagraphics Monster Comics label is lively and true to the source material. While it's seemingly an adaptation of the novel again, I see elements, especially in the later chapters where the film version comes into play. The escape from Skull Mountain in particular feels like its from the movie and not the novel, though given the way the rights to Kong have been divided over the decades I understand why they wanted to say it was the novel.
Don Simpson is a favorite artist of mine. His artwork is muscular and vivid, a nice mix for the mighty Kong. Having said that, his King Kong is a wee bit too cartoonish for my tastes. More of a character than the Gold Key adaptation in which he's a big bluish ape, this Kong is a personality through and through. That's good, but the face sometimes seems a bit too funny for the right scary effect.
Another thing is the update of the characterizations. Denham is more of an ass in this one, and Driscoll calls him out several times in the story. Driscoll here is a more modern man, less noble but no less brave. Ann Darrow's plight is undermined a bit by her becoming aware of Driscoll's attempt at rescue much sooner, thus limiting her isolated time with Kong, and the horror that instilled.
Simpson is known for his babes and he draws Ann here as one. She's sexy, but not as much the innocent as in the other versions I've seen. I have less empathy for the humans in this version and more for Kong, and perhaps that was Simpson's intent.
The NYC stuff is very good and the ending is abrupt, but then so it is in the original. This is a solid adaptation by an excellent talent. It's not his best work though, and that's a shame. Still the covers for the series by Dave Stevens, Mark Schultz, Bill Stout, Ken Steacey, and Al Williamson are superb.

Look for more "Eighth Wonder of the World" as the Halloween Countdown continues.
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I used to buy Simpson's work, especially Megaton Man, but I never felt he was in complete control of his abilities, as odd as that sounds. I agree with your assessment of his Kong. Sometimes it looks like he's just going for parody.