I have one of these (Quest of Qui) but I'd love to have them all. These Golden Press reprints of vintage Doc Savage adventures from 1975 are handsome little books, with wonderful heft and lovely artwork in style common to these Golden Press volumes. The James Bama version of the hero is eschewed here in favor of something a bit more normal and a bit younger looking. (Admittedly the shirts are torn.) The cover art is credited to Ben Otero with interiors by Arnie Kohn, at least in the one I own. An artist named Ron Villani is credited with interior artwork on the two of the volumes.

Here's a better look at the artwork for Man of Bronze sans the copy.

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I just picked up 1-3, and #6 today at a used book store that was going out of business. These are awesome books, but I can't tell you how much I paid, because you'll hate me.