With the publication several years ago of The Veiled Detective, Titan Books initiated a weird series of Sherlock Holmes pastiches which had a decidedly peculiar twist.

I was thrilled to see a classic like Manly Wade Wellman's War of the Worlds story back in print, and also Philip Farmer's The Peerless Peer. But truth be told many of the new volumes looked quite appealing. I relented and finally picked up most of these offbeat volumes, all the ones my local Barnes & Noble had in stock. Now I only a need a few to fill in some gaps.

These volumes are reprints of vintage Holmes material such as the Wellman and Farmer books as well as Loren D. Estleman's book featuring Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde from the 70's. Others are more recent like Fred Saberhagen's volume featuring Dracula and Edward B. Hanna's story featuring Jack the Ripper from the 90's. Still others are relatively new, and just announced are some volumes published for the first time.

I've always thought the covers of these were singularly effective, if not quite pretty. Here's a fascinating look at how Titan selected the look for these books, and how they might've looked quite different.

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