Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Thing From Another World!

In my opinion movies don't get better than The Thing from Another World! Based on John C. Campbell's novella "Who Goes There?"" (also released recently under the title The Frozen Hell) this epic 1951 B-movie tells of a group of stalwart soldiers and scientists at the top of the world in the frozen Arctic who repel a deadly invader from the depths of space. 

James Arness, who would go on to portray Marshall Matt Dillon for decades in the television show Gunsmoke plays the titular "Thing". Kenneth Tobey, Robert Cornthwaite, and Margaret Sheridan headline one of the strongest casts I've ever seen in a movie of this kind. Dewey Martin is ideal as an airman who despite not being an officer proves to be of great value to the defense effort. Douglas Spencer as an eager reporter adds just the right small smidge of light-heartedness to this spare story of death in the cold. So many good parts and great actors just slinking in the background of every scene. 

Christian Nyby and Howard Hawks create a spare movie without a single wasted frame. Every line communicates something necessary for the audience, speaking to story or character or both. The pace and momentum of the story is just right, no sense of panic or rushing, but good speed all along. The story never drags, even in the quietest moments. Dimitri Tiomkin's score is punchy and dark in all the right places, adding drama to an already drama-laden yarn. 

This movie is a wonderful depiction of the American ideal, men (and some few women I'll admit) of all stripes working in concert for a noble goal. This is a smart military unit, which values life though ready to take it if necessary. There's very little bitterness in this movie, which is filled with civility. When asked to identify my favorite movie the answer is either The Thing from Another World or The Maltese Falcon, another classic I love for almost all the same reasons. 

The story has been famously adapted to film on two other occasions, the first in 1981 by John Carpenter in which he cleaves a bit closer to John Campbell's original story with a shape-shifting monster from deep space. The other serves as a prequel of sorts to the Carpenter film and was made in 2011. These are wonderful flicks and do their job of scaring the viewer quite well, especially the Carpenter outing. But for me, I'll take the original The Thing from Another World in all its floral glory every time. 

Rip Off


  1. Again, this is another movie I saw on TV more years ago than is good for me to remember. I'll add it to the list of ones to rewatch whenever it's next on. Incidentally, talking of Gunsmoke, apparently it was renamed Gun Law in the UK for some reason.

    1. My girlfriend is a big Gunsmoke fan. I'll have to mention that name change to her.

  2. Kid, I watched The Thing From Another World on BBC iplayer just a couple of months ago.

    Rip, Frozen Hell is actually a longer version of Who Goes There? John W Campbell had originally written the story with extra chapters at the beginning which explained how the UFO had been discovered in the Antarctic ice but those extra chapters were dropped from the published story in 1938 and Frozen Hell restored them. I read Frozen Hell as an e-book a couple of years ago and it's much closer to the 1982 remake than the 1951 film.

    1. I got hold of Frozen Hell last year when I heard it was a stealth Doc Savage story. It is much better at that length.
