Friday, July 7, 2023

Invasion Of The Saucer-Men!

Invasion of the Saucer-Men is a hoot! For all those who think that UFOs are absurd, I gleefully offer up this gem. It's a comedy all about alien invaders. The invaders are the classic little green men, but with a terrifying twist. They are hideous little trolls with hypodermic fingers filled with alcohol which when injected into a human being might be fatal under the right conditions. 

These little buggers land at night in a distant cow field owned by a disgruntled farmer who is certain all the trouble is being caused by teenagers who use his land for romance. The story is told by a traveling salesman who has an inebriated partner (Frank Gorshin of Riddler fame) who actually is the first to encounter the aliens. 

At the same time two youngsters plan to elope but the aliens get in the way literally when the teens run one over with their car. The complications come quickly in this very short movie, and with confused police and even some military types who are eager to cover up the arrival of the aliens, the action never really stops. 

This is a light-hearted romp. The aliens are menacing, but not that scary despite being rather hideous. The make up is by Paul Blaisdell who designed many of the era's most mind-boggling creepy creatures. He does a bang up job here as well and the story goes that he plays one as well. The beauty of this movie is that it doesn't wear out its welcome. It's fluff with just enough in the way of sci-fi effects to make the story click along. 

(Albert Kallis Art)

This little romp from outer space is highly recommended. 

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  1. Nice looking alien designs /costumes especially for the 1950s. Excellent film posters as well. I will need to check this one out if it appears on TV here

    1. It's on YouTube. That's where I watched it this last time. The movie for some dang reason is not available on DVD.
