Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers!

I'd rather forgotten what a scary ass movie the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers was. Kevin McCarthy as the raving man at the beginning sets a tone of upset which reminds a viewer of the set up to the classic Dr. Caligari's Cabinet. His story of alien invasion is one which in the real world we'd immediately consider the ravings of a man in need of no small amount of professional care. But as the viewer we know it's all probably true, at least today as you watch it. I've always wondered what the story would be like if I didn't already know if the aliens were really here. 

In the small town of Santa Mira a doctor returns from a trip to find many of his patients in distress. They seem to think that their closest relatives are not really who they purport to be. His loyal nurse seems fine as do colleagues who tell him they've encountered the same thing. He finds a woman he once loved has returned to town and they strike up the old flame just in time for the danger to reach to touch them when friends find a strange body. They get little help from the authorities and even his colleagues seem different. They find huge seed pods which generate bodies when a person is asleep and copy that person utterly. The threat is real and getting more widespread. Finally, only the doctor and his girlfriend are the only ones left with the entire town after them, and then only him. 

Great tale, a classic paranoic delusion. The movie benefits from the excellent work of Kevin McCarthy as the narrator and doctor and head psycho. Dana Wynter is pretty and does the girlfriend thing adequately, especially in the latter parts of the movie. This one has a sturdy and reliable cast of others who ground the movie in a nice classic cinematic reality. Don Seigel the director is ideal and never lets the fantastic overwhelm the normal save in key moments. 

Jack Finney's tale has been adapted to the screen several times. The best if the original but not far behind is the 1978 version with Brooke Adams, Donald Sutherland and Leonard Nimoy. One thing that makes this yarn feel more real is that the invasion is that as far as we know is a natural process with seeds from space just finding the Earth and propagating as nature intends. This is a classic horror science fiction tale which when told with subtlety can be incredibly effective. But I always wonder, what if it really was real. 

Rip Off


  1. Wasn't the story supposed to be a metaphor for communism taking over America? 1950s America seemed to be obsessed with communism. The twist ending of the '78 remake is, in my opinion, one of the most terrifying moments in cinema history!

    Your namesake Mick Jagger is 80 today!

    1. The paranoia was expressed in the obsession with Communism seeping into the society and making folks part of a collective, diminishing their singular identities. By the time of the remake, normal modern life seemed sufficient to alienate us from our neighbors.

      For the record my namesake is Rip Jagger who fought in Charlton comics as Judomaster. But that said, happy birthday to Mick. He survived a death rumor just a few weeks ago.

  2. It's been so long since I saw this movie on TV (decades ago) that I really must watch it again when it's next on. I was probably less than half the age I am now when I first viewed it. Is that scary or what?!

    1. Don't mention age. It's quite upsetting when I realize how long ago things have been.

  3. I loved this film and (for myself) the even better 1978 remake, that last picture Donald Sutherland pointing and screaming is shocking a d still sends shivers up and down my spine. I will need to check out the novel as wasn't aware it wasn't a movie originated story.

    1. The 70's version is so dark and grim. They wanted to make the 50's one that dark I've heard but didn't have the guts and ended up tagging on the ending which allowed for some hope.
