Friday, December 25, 2020

In The Blacklight Of The Day

This country and the world is about to shuffle off the hate-filled leadership of a man from an olden time, a man ruled by bitter old-fashioned ideas about ethnicity and race. I choose this remarkable day to be hopeful and I am looking forward to a time of better and more civil conversations, tempered with a mutual respect for the ideas, experiences, and fundamental humanity of others. I might be foolish to imagine that the nation and the world will reset so quickly, but I wish it to be so and today I extend an offer to you to join me in my hope for a kinder and gentler world. I of course am not the only one to hope for such, not now and not in the past. Here is a sermon by Martin Luther King Jr. that says it all so much better than I am able to. I am always struck when I listen or read his words at the way he is able to conjoin the immediate concerns of a particular time decades gone with ongoing concerns of a future he would not live to see. 

Be safe out there amigos. As Red Green so wisely says "We're all in this together." 

Rip Off


  1. Thank you for posting this, Rip. It can't be said too often, especially in these increasingly anxious and fragmented days.

    1. With a Christmas morning which saw a bombing in Nashville, the hope for peace is all the more important.
