Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Many Escapes Of Mister Miracle!

Since the fall of the Fourth World saga by Jack "King" Kirby, DC has seen fit to revive these vivid and compelling characters time and time again. Most recently, they have revived the "Super Escape Artist" yet again. I haven't sampled that comic, nor to be honest have I tried many of the revivals. But it speaks to the lasting power of Kirby's creations that they just won't go away, that they are seen as somehow still viable in a modern day.  Here are some glimpses of revivals past of Mister Miracle, who seems able to escape repeated cancellation with relative ease.

Rip Off


  1. I'm not sure that it necessarily DOES speak to 'the lasting power of Kirby's creations' in all cases, Rip - perhaps it speaks more of the lack of imagination and creativity in current creators, and maybe even their desperation and determination to find something worth exploiting in the '70s DC work of the guy who co-created the Marvel Universe. With a couple of exceptions, none of the revivals have been worth the paper they were printed on, and all of them were pretty short-lived (though a couple outlasted Kirby's own run on the original mags). Out of all of JK's Fourth World series, I think Mister Miracle has the most potential to succeed, so who knows what the future holds, eh?

    1. That's my point -- it's something from the 70's they think can be molded into a modern event. Sigh that it doesn't appeal to me, but then most modern comics don't. The Fourth World is a brand now, something considered worthy of plundering for whatever end and that's not nothing even if it speaks of a fundamental unfairness in the nature of how comics were created and promoted for decades.

      Rip Off
