I hate the idea of the Girl Phantom! I think it's one of the stupidest things I've ever read in comics. Now I know that Julie Walker, The "Girl" Phantom is the creation of the late great Lee Falk, but that doesn't stop it from being stupid.
It makes zero sense to me to have someone other than a guy put on that costume, because it undermines the core notion of The Phantom, that it's supposed to be the same immortal under that mask. Seeing a girl in those togs just makes the whole thing seem mundane and destroys the mythology.
That's my two cents. But if you still want to read a Girl Phantom story then check out this link.
Rip Off
"It makes zero sense to me to have someone other than a guy put on that costume, because it undermines the core notion of The Phantom, that it's supposed to be the same immortal under that mask."
ReplyDeleteThat's like saying Priests can only be male, because Christ was a man. That seems like a silly argument to make. Is the Immortal Spirit under the mask more interested in "Justice" or having a boner?
You miss the point entirely. You can't have a girl Phantom because the whole idea is that the Phantom is fooling everyone into thinking there has been only one Phantom for hundreds of years, an unkillable immortal. Having someone who is obviously not the same person put on the costume destroys that illusion and makes it clear the Phantom is not just one immortal being, "the Ghost Who Walks."