Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Six Million Dollar Man Season 6!

Dynamite Comics and I have an imperfect relationship. They insist on acquiring and publishing comics I find interesting, and I sometimes buy them. The one constant is that I am almost invariably unsatisfied. So is the case with The Six Million Dollar Man Season Six. I will give the creative team props for being true to the TV show in regard to casting and referencing various aspects of venerable shows. But like so many Dynamite projects, I found the artwork just this side of satisfying. The layouts and storytelling worked for the most part, but the finishes and the depth of field in the images seemed spare. And a pet peeve of mine is how artists render men's hats. It seems almost no modern artist can do it particularly well and that's certainly case here. 

In the story Steve Austin is called upon to face several threats such as a robot with is his face operated by OSI itself, a Russian robot more in the style of ED-209 from the Robocop movies, and aliens which have infected and transformed the bodies of scientists studying a Venus probe. Steve also gets to punch a shark. He is helped by Jaime Sommers, the Bionic Woman and he needs it when his bionic arm is damaged. I had an uneasy feeling as I read the series that the creators were putting too many story elements into the mix to be resolved by story's end. I was right as three different threats are identified for future installments. Those never happened, so we end up something of a cliffhanger and chance to see how it came out. Frankly I'm fine with that. 

The slim collection also has a script for the first issue and alternate covers. Here are the covers for the series produced by Alex Ross. 

Now it's time for The Bionic Woman. Be seeing you. 

Rip Off


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