Friday, August 30, 2024

The Bionic Woman Season 4!

As I mentioned in my review of The Six Million Dollar Man Season Six, I have a checkered history with Dynamite Comics. Often, I like the concept much better than the actual published comics themselves. The Bionic Woman Season Four is a touch better because it focuses on one storyline which consumes all four issues, and we get a proper ending. The story itself had touches of The Prisoner and Westworld, with a dash of Silent Running

Jaime Sommers gets caught up in the scheme of a United States military officer who has become disaffected with the world and seeks to create a perfect community using mind control. Steve Austin makes an appearance, but truth told his role is minimal. It's a quick breezy read, with clear storytelling. Like so many Dynamite projects I feel it lacks the individuality of presentation needed to make it stand out, to make better than just okay. 

Below are the Sean Chen covers for the four-issue run. 

That wraps up my bionic coverage, save for one more post. See you then next time. 

Rip Off


  1. I've already mentioned that The Bionic Woman was also broadcast here in the UK but according to Wikipedia the show was so popular here that it reached No.1 in the ratings and it was the only science-fiction based show to achieve that feat in the 20th Century. I didn't realise The Bionic Woman had been THAT popular in Britain!

    There was also a remake of The Bionic Woman in 2007 but it got cancelled.

    1. I became aware of the updated version when I was preparing these posts, but couldn't muster the energy to care enough to see it.

  2. Has anyone yet published a collection of the John Bolton Bionic Woman comics? What I've seen looks great.

    1. I was unaware of those until you mentioned them. A quick look online lets me know they are indeed outstanding. He captures Wagner's likeness perfectly.

    2. I couldn't swear to it and I don't know where I've stashed the books so can't check, but I have a feeling some of them were reprinted in one of a two volume set (issued separately) of The Best Of Look-In - The '70s, and also The '80s, close to 20 years back. They're available on eBay.

  3. Do they get the character of Jaime right? Lindsay had such a specific portrayal I wonder.

    1. I thought they did okay on that count. She was not just another action type, but the story did play to the empathy Wagner brought to the role.
