Thursday, June 27, 2024

Summer Green Extra - Repackaging!

These now classic Green Lantern and Green Arrow adventures have been collected many times right from the beginning. Here is some of the great artwork produced for the covers of some of those reprints.

And that wraps up this look at the classic Green Lantern and Green Arrow series which in many ways worked to redefine what comics were. Hope you enjoyed it.

This is a verdant vintage Dojo post. 

Rip Off


  1. Great review of a classic comic Rip . I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting this again and have even looked out the original copies I have of most of these ( bought in the 1980s). I had forgotten all about those paperback versions of this series so it was nice to see these again .

    1. You're very welcome. It was nice to dust these off and give then a fresh spin. I loved reading this series again. It's relevance to life grows stronger all the time.
