Saturday, June 1, 2024


I didn't know that I shared a birthday with the late great Neal Adams. He, like myself, was born on D-Day or as it was known before the end of WWII, June the Sixth. I've been celebrating the great artist all year and I'll be doing it again this month in spectacular fashion. I want to go back a decade in the Dojo's history and re-present one of my more enjoyable projects, a detailed reading of the classic Green Lantern and Green Arrow comics by Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams. These "relevant" comics really did change the comic book world and are well worth remembering. I'm really looking forward to this read. 

I will return to my weekend readings of the OZ books by L. Frank Baum. I've been enjoying these by and large and look forward to a summer wrapping up the series, at least those written by Baum himself. Also look for a bevy of Baum's OZ-adjacent titles to get a nod. 

I will also try to get in a few more weekend readings of The Adventure of the Phantom novels from Avon Books, reprinted in recent years by Hermes Press. These have proven to be quite exciting. 

In addition, Dojo will feature some Superman, the Son of Krypton. Expect a look at classic Adams work on the Man of Steel as well as some later stuff he did for DC's most important hero. 

I will do the monthly look at Atlas-Seaboard of course, share a spirited collecting project I'm having fun with, bring a long-awaited manhunt to an end, and bring out a very special post for the birthday that I share with one of comic's greatest Neal Adams. (Actually, it has nothing to do with him, but I love saying that.) 

June is usually a delightful month. I hope it is here at the Dojo for one and all. 

Rip Off


  1. HAPPY (ALMOST) BIRTHDAY, RIP! I trust that your "D-Day" birthday wasn't on D-Day . . .

  2. The invention of Wiffle ball for me.

    1. Loved playing whiffle ball back in the day.
