Thursday, August 17, 2023

A Lot Of Girl To Watch!

Arguably the most awesome sidekick in the whole history of comics, Big Barda landed on Earth and the in the Mister Miracle series with a decided boom. Their history remains a big vague at first, but eventually we learn that Barda, another of the disaffected denizens of Apokolips had been instrumental in helping Scott Free to escape the clutches of Granny Goodness.

But when she doffed her armor and enjoyed some Kirby calisthenics in the front yard of the Miracle estate, she certainly awoke much in the fandom who came to the comic merely to see the latest doings of the their favorite escape artist. There was no escaping her charms.

An issue or two later, Mark Evanier wrote this single page, which by his own testimony moved the plot of the story along not a single bit. He was tasked to come up with a vignette to add a needed page for production's sake and Barda's bath was the result. Let me extend my personal thanks to Mr. Evanier and to the great Jack "King" Kirby and his inking ally Mike Royer for this page. It's one for the ages.  Cleanliness is next to New Godliness for certain. 

Rip Off


  1. Oh, I remember this page, RJ. I must've lingered (no, that's not a euphemism) over it for quite some time when I first saw it. I'm not sure it would be allowed today in a comic for kids (as they all were back then), on the grounds that it exploits women as sex objects. Yeah, Big Barda was quite the babe.

    1. Oh, it would be "allowed", but you're right it would be criticized. Kirby was not in any sense a "Good Girl Artist", but with Barda he hit a home run in that area.
