Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Babe Of Steel!

Nick Cardy's tenure as DC's go-to cover artist was not that long really. But he produced a gaggle of truly memorable images in that time. Here are three Superboy covers feature Kal-El as a wee tot who has not completely developed his heroic worldview. The Superboy as Tarzan cover is a hoot. The one with him holding the bear is hilarious and dangerous at the same time. And the shot of him stopping the car is incredibly dynamic. Cardy's line was full of life and energy. Three great image!

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  1. Cardy was a LOT like Curt Swan, in my opinion, in that while their artwork was never truly in high demand from the fans, it was ALWAYS dependable and easy to follow. No Rob Liefeld-isms in THESE parts. One could easily follow the action and never wonder what the heck they were looking at.

    That's why I love the DC Showcases. Going back to the simpler times with the great artists of yesteryear. :)

    1. Craftsmanship is the word that comes to mind with many of those often overlooked DC men. Cardy, Swan, Novick, Brown, Premiani, Mooney, Mortimer, Oksner, and more, these guys knew how to structure a comic book page, tell a story.

      Some few, like Cardy especially, seemed able to tell a story effectively in a single lush image.

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  2. I own that Superbaby/Tarzan issue because it's a one-off appearance of fan-designed uniforms for Karate Kid, Shadow Lass and Princess Projectra: three of my favourite Legionnaires.

    1. I'll have to check my Showcase Legion reprints to see if that issue has been reprinted yet to get a gander at those costumes. Thanks for the tip.

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  3. As cool as these covers are....I have to admit seeing "Babe of Steel" in my Google Reader made me click over TOTALLY expecting something else....
