Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Favorite Comic Book Cover Today #6 - Popeye!

I adore George Wildman's Popeyes. Wildman was the editor of Charlton comics during the 70's, the Bullseye era. He also was a wonderful cartoonist in his own right and his work on Popeye was fresh and broad. He took those classic designs and made them move and react in all new ways to my eye. This is a typically fun cover. Charlton didn't do the best by all their licensed projects, but they sure did well by most of the King material and Popeye is no exception.
Rip Off


  1. Heil. Greetings from South America. Congratulations for your blog: great work. I'll follow it since now.

  2. Welcome. Glad to have you aboard.

