Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Young Love!

If mentioned names like John Romita, Don Heck, and Gene Colan you would quite logically think I'm about to discuss the wonders produced at the "House of Ideas", the domain of Stan "The Man" Lee who built Marvel Comics in part thanks to the talents I mentioned earlier. But I'm not.

Rather I'm going to discuss DC Comics which employed all of these talented and highly professional artists, but used them mostly on their successful romance comics.These are some handsome comics indeed. The stories aside, the art is lush and showcases truly professional storytellers, confident artists, but not yet having been mutated by Stan Lee's demands to become more like Jack "King" Kirby. I'm far from an expert on romance comics, very far. But I do like looking at pretty dames and John Romita is expert at rendering those.

It's clear that Romita was the star artist of this series. He does almost all the covers seen below. Those he didn't do I've indicated. His artwork dominates the contents of most issues which feature the work of Heck early on and Colan a bit later. Also on hand are DC vets Mike Sekowsky and Jay Scott Pike among others.

I cannot share the lovely interiors of these comics, perhaps even more starkly beautiful in black and white. But I can share the covers. Enjoy.

Gene Colan and Dick Giordano

Jay Scott Pike
Mike Sekowsky and Bernard Sachs
Rip Jagger

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