(The dates for 1975 and 2025 are identical.)
The Defenders were provided some of Marvel's most entertaining stories in the 70's. This supergroup made up of some of the most erratic and unpredictable characters in the Marvel Universe was brimming with raw power. And that made writing them trickier I suspect.
Doctor Strange #183 was the final issue of that run ending the Strange series as well as the venerable Strange Tales run which numbering the good Doctor inherited. In this issue Doctor Strange gets a new secret identity thanks to the cosmic changing powers of Eternity. He is now known to the world as Doctor Stephen Sanders allowing him to put some distance between himself as a magic warrior for Earth and the sometimes adoring public. An old friend sends him a telegram and he heads off to see what he can do. He finds his friend in poor health guarded by three men who turn out to be demons, servants of the The Undying Ones, ancient godlike beings who once ruled the Earth but who were sent into another dimension a millennia ago and now seem to want to return. He cannot save his friend but Doc does vow to save Earth.
But the cancellation of his own book meant that he had to do that saving in the pages of other heroes as a guest-star. He shows up in Sub-Mariner #22 and conscripts Namor to help him uncover the ancient idol of the Nameless Ones, the leader of the Undying Ones. This seems key to bringing those old gods back. After a furious battle against some shape changers they win the day but it seems Doc must stay behind and sacrifice himself to save Earth.
In Hulk #126 Jadejaws ends up captured by the cult of the Undying Ones and himself is catapulted into the Dark Dimension to battle the Night-Crawler an enemy of the Undying Ones who is able to block their path to Earth. Hulk finds Doctor Strange captive and a girl, regretting her role with the cult frees Doc by taking his place in a trap which blocks the Undying Ones from their goal. Doc and Hulk head back to Earth and Doc seems to give up magic and walk away, the threat ended for the time being.
A little later in Sub-Mariner #34 Namor discovers that a weather machine being built by the United Nations might be a threat to the planet and so he gathers together the Silver Surfer and the Hulk to help him investigate it and destroy it if necessary. First they battle a tinpot dictator and free his people.
Then in the next issue they turn their attention to the weather machine and must battle the Avengers (Thor, Iron Man, and Goliath). In the end they save the day, and their short-lived alliance is at an end.
All of this was written by Roy Thomas and he must've liked the idea of these heroes working together. They were all distinctly non-team members, so he decides to create a "Non-Team" and dubs it The Defenders. But first he has to bring Doctor Strange out of retirement.
That happens in a story called "The Return" by Don Heck in Marvel Feature #1 which shows Stephen Sanders wandering back to his Greenwich village house and finding it not locked as he expected. Inside he finds Wong and another Doctor Strange entirely garbed in his infamous blue mask. This turns out to Baron Mordo who has taken advantage of Strange's retirement. When Doc comes back it's for good and he ditches the skin-tight blue mask look.
And that brings us to the lead story in Marvel Feature #1 and "The Day of the Defenders". A threat from Doc's past, the "Scientist Supreme" Yandroth presents the Omegatron, a doomsday device which will destroy the Earth when Yandroth dies. When he does die Doc races to find allies to stop the machine which is disguised as a lighthouse on the northern Atlantic coast. It takes the combined might of Subby, Hulk and Strange to stop the post-mortem menace.
After that the "non-team" reassembles to battle Dormammu who seeks to once again enter the Earth dimension, this time by stealing and inhabiting Doctor Strange's body.
On Halloween in Rutland Vermont the battle rages as Clea and Wong recruit Namor and Bruce Banner to help. Dormammu is stopped once again, but barely.
And then it's "Hulk" versus "Hulk". At least that's the gag that inspired Roy to pluck Xemnu from the pages of Atlas monster comics.
He was called "Hulk" there and now dubbed Xemnu the Titan he possesses the body of an astronaut and along with is pal these two go on television and concoct a kiddie show to lure children to a rocket site so that Xemnu might repopulate his dead world. The Defenders get drawn into this and have to stop the forced migration.
When The Defenders left the cozy pages of Marvel Feature to venture off to their own title a lot of things changed. Roy Thomas and Ross Andru left and Steve Englehart and Sal Buscema came aboard. Englehart was just getting his motor revving when he took over the "Non-Team" and this first storyline showed off well the kinds of things he produced. Neat exciting stories rich in Marvel lore and crisp characterization.
In the debut issue Namor is literally thrown from the skies and it's up to Hulk and Doctor Strange to get to the bottom of it. They find a member of the Undying Ones cult named Necrodamus and it's a slugfest to the end. But surprisingly we learn that it was former ally the Silver Surfer who had beaten Namor and cast him out of the sky. The non-team vow to learn why.
Their quest takes them into the far reaches of the north where they find the Surfer, who is unwittingly the mind-controlled slave of a whole coven of Undying One worshippers. The fighting is fierce and we really get a chance to see each character shine as they battle one another and ultimately the evil they must confront.
This leads them to venture once again into the dimension of the Undying Ones where they find the young girl Barbara who had sacrificed herself before to stop the menace has gone mad and joined forces with the demons who want to take over the Earth. They stop the evil but at the cost of a young girl's sanity. The Silver Surfer is sick and tired and flies off in a huff. The three remaining heroes and the girl are left to wonder what comes next.
We see that they grew out of the final gasps of Doctor Strange's final issue and final threat, and then with Doc as the organizing core a new team is founded, one made up of misfits and outsiders and not a team which will ever have a charter. But there was one final piece still missing.
Who knows what larger plans might've been percolating in the mind of Roy "The Boy" Thomas when he concocted a delightful lark of a story for The Avengers #83.
He had our assembled heroes (Goliath, Vision, Quicksilver and Black Panther) attend the Rutland Halloween parade and we meet not only the writer and his wife of the time but Tom Fagan, fan supreme.
At the same time this is happening the women of the Marvel Universe (Scarlet Witch, Medusa, Black Widow, and Wasp) fall under the spell of an enigmatic woman called the Valkyrie who convinces them that they have been held back by the male chauvinistic attitudes of the men in their lives. Weirdly they all agree to to go to Rutland and attack the male Avengers. The battle rages briefly before Wanda gets a clue that the Valkyrie is actually the Enchantress, and they have all been her pawns to help her get over the loss of her boyfriend the Executioner who ditched her for another dimensional queen. Like I said it's a hootenanny and a half.
Nor do I think it was part of some master plan when a year later in The Incredible Hulk #142 Roy revives the Valkyrie, this time as a personality which dominates the feminist -- Samantha Parrington. In a story titled "They Shoot Hulks, Don't They?" which is mostly satire (Tom Wolfe has a cameo), we have the Hulk taking a nap in the Statue of Liberty and some upper crust society snobs named Parrington decide to use him as their next cause around which to have a fancy party and make a splash in the society pages.
Their daughter Samantha, a devoted feminist is appalled by this lame behavior and ends up getting enchanted by the Enchantress and becomes the Valkyrie just in time to battle old Greenskin. It all just rather ends, and the Hulk and Samantha go on their merry ways. I don't think we learn if the party was a hit. The comic was beautifully drawn though by Herb Trimpe and John Severin.
And that brings us to The Defenders #4 when the Enchantress pops up yet again. This story is by Steve Englehart with very attractive art by Sal Buscema and Frank McLaughlin (Judomaster's daddy). This time we get some resolution to the problem she has with the Executioner, and we see her take her revenge on the Queen who snatched him up. We also see her infuse the personality of Valkyrie into the body of the mad Barbara Norris, creating seemingly a whole new person. All this takes place in the castle of the Black Knight, who himself has fallen under the spell of the Enchantress and ends up transformed into a statue for his trouble. This is a terrible thing for a great character, but it does set up one of the most famous stories in Marvel lore. Valkyrie by default ends up with the Ebony Blade and the flying horse Aragorn.
The story of Valkyrie really continues into the fifth issue of The Defenders when as she is attempting to find how she fits into this new world, the Valkyrie becomes embroiled in a threat the Defenders put down once before. Doc Strange had ended the threat of the Omegatron by slowing time down to an impossible degree, but changing circumstances had speeded it up again and the threat to the world was very real. The Omegatron teleports both Namor and the Hulk to use their fighting energy to fuel its ultimate transformation and only the intervention of the Valkyrie and Namorita who wake the Sub-Mariner, and the Hulk saves the day...literally.
Valkyrie has found a home of sorts and will become one of the core elements of the Defenders as the non-team moves into the future.
Rip Off
The Defenders was my favourite comic in the early days ( first 20 or so issues) jit was just a fun team comic . The fact that for me it had some of Sal Buscemas best art didn't hurt it either. Every issue noted here is a classic.
ReplyDeleteI agree that Sal was on top of his game in this book. Great comics.
DeleteValkyrie joined The Defenders in #4 but it was several years before her face was added to the group heads in the top left-hand corner of the covers so what was the reason for that? Her exclusion for so long seems like pure sexism to me.
ReplyDeleteFebruary 17th 1975 was my 9th birthday and it's the earliest birthday I can actually remember so I was interested in the contents of the 17th panel on the calendar but the words are too blurred to read properly.
I know you've been avoiding the news lately so you might like to know that the Democrats flipped a seat in Iowa's state senate this week. The seat is in an area that voted for Trump by 20 points in November so it seems his popularity has collapsed in that part of Iowa.
I do follow the news, but not to extent that I want to write about it. I appreciate your info greatly. There's no doubt he'd lose the election today mere weeks after taking office. I'm bewildered why so many elected officials act as if he's a juggernaut. Do they all have something to hide?
DeleteThere were so many good comics coming out at that time! Defenders was one of my favorites as far as superheroes went - I loved Killraven, Black Panther, Master of Kung Fu, Deathlok, Man-Thing, etc., but didn't really see them as mainstream superhero stories. The Defenders occupied grey area somewhere between those comics and the superhero mainstream for me. those fist stories already had their own vibe going ... and when Stever Gerber took the reins, the book got even better. I don't own an omnibus of every beloved comic series from my youth, but I didn't hesitate to get the Defenders in that format.
ReplyDeleteThis is the cream of what Marvel was producing at the time. They had so many good books, we were lucky to be there to read them.
DeleteThe concept of super-hero team-ups has always intrigued me. Putting a mash-up of characters from their own titles together into one book must have taken some thought by the writers and the artists faced with drawing multiple characters that we grew used to seeing drawn by others. I was on board with The Defenders from their first issue and stayed with them for quite a while. I think the chemistry worked pretty well, although not as as good as, say, The Avengers.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the Defenders were tough fits, as both Hulk and Namor are not team players really. The book's focus on Valkyire and Nighthawk was smart in the early days.
DeleteOne side-link to all these Defenders-developments was the way The Enchantress became entangled with Black Knight in AVENGERS #84. For some reason, Roy Thomas decided that Black Knight's ebony blade ought to become a murder-inducing influence on the hero, a la Stormbringer to Elric, so the Knight journeys to the dimension of Arkon to dispose of the weapon. This just happens to be the place Enchantress ended up after getting defeated in her Valkyrie-masquerade the previous issue , and so Enchantress plays Wormtongue to Arkon-- a pretty frequent trope at Marvel even before Tolkien became an American bestseller, methinks. Then there's another confluence of Enchantress, Knight and Black Blade in AVENGERS #100-- which encouraged Englehart to bring them all together for DEFENDERS #4, where Valkyrie would get her own identity. I think the only reason the Knight is in the story is because Englehart planned to transfer his horse and weapon to Valkyrie to make her more viable. (We never see that big spear she wields in #4 after she flings it at Executioner-- maybe it got broked?) I wish Enchantress had simply flung the Knight back in time to get him out of her hair, because the whole separation of the hero into his wandering soul and his petrified body was a big drag in my book.
ReplyDeleteI loved the Black Knight and was a tad miffed when Valkyrie took his stuff. But he did return eventually and recapture his glory.
DeleteNow that I think about it, the Black Blade doesn't stick around in Valkyrie's hands for more than eight more DEFENDERS issues. So what she really wanted was the cool ride.
ReplyDeleteAragorn was the best "vehicle" at Marvel.