Friday, February 28, 2025

Join The Rebellion!

Today I reopen The Days of our Anti-Lives Blog as a meager but clear sign that the resistance to the regime of Donald Trump, Elon Musk and their cronies is well underway. It will once again a place for political speech, especially that which reveals the depredations or the current administration of the United States. The United States of America is not just its elected officials but rather its people. After the tragic election of the current Felon-in-Chief, people were stunned, but that has worn off. The administration has moved with lightning speed to initiate its breakdown of the federal government, thinking that it robs the people of their access to any way to retaliate, but it has instead only spurred that same retaliation. 

A small thing is to show the economic might of the people. Today was just the first of many days in which we refuse to buy. The people of the United States fuel the most powerful consumer engine on the planet and today we agree to turn that engine off for a spell. 

Check the sidebar for a link. 

More to come. 

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The Lady Liberators And Much More!

This wonderful issue of The Avengers introduced the "Lady Liberators", a one-shot gang of Marvel's most dangerous dames led by the Valkyrie (who was in fact the Enchantress in disguise). 

(Marie Severin's early layout for this dynamic cover.)

It's one of my favorite comic books from one of my favorite runs in the series. The message of "Women's Liberation" is again front and center today as reactionary forces work diligently to claw back rights that women have enjoyed for decades. 

(Parody of the cover by Bob Layton)

Strong women in the public square terrorize far too many Americans who had a chance to elevate a strong qualified woman to the highest office in the land and instead selected a raving maniac and useful idiot for the former Soviet Union. Shame. 

Women in comics have always been a mystery of immense proportions. Comic books have almost always been the singular playground for young boys and later young men. Girls were allowed to read romance comics when those got invented and the MLJ line stays alive even today with its Archie line up. But comics are famously about superheroes and superheroes are for boys. We all know that.

So, when dames show up in the four-colored pages they are either damsels in distress or dames of great danger. This month has featured the latter, those women who are just as inclined to stand on the throat of any malignant mope who might imagine she needed saving. (I won't say whose throat I image they might be standing on.) Enjoy these exceedingly dangerous dames

Death to Male Chauvinism! 

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Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Oriental Egghead!

In commemoration of the glorious chicken egg, which is now potentially disappearing from American diets due to Bird Flu and inept and ham-fisted governmental policies, I offer up this little adventure featuring the original "Oriental Egghead" himself -- Egg Fu! (Geshundheit!)

Take a dash of Humpty Dumpty, a dollop of Charlie Chan, a molecule of Salmonella and throw in a gallon of Yellow Peril and you have one of the absolute weirdest villains in the history of comics -- Egg Fu! He was a Commie when he battled Wonder Woman, a deadly if absurd agent of Red China. He was of course...ahem...beaten. (How else would one defeat an egg-shaped enemy?)

Later another Egg Fu, this one dubbed "Egg Fu the Fifth" appears and challenges Wonder Woman again, who is once again able to...well...crack the case.

Finally in the pages of the Metal Men, and not rating a cover appearance, Egg Fu reappears.

This time he is a robot who calls himself "Dr. Yes". (Bond fans take note of course.) While at the end of this yarn the ovoid enemy is still out and about, he doesn't ever make another appearance. All three of his appearances were drawn by his co-creator Ross Andru and his longtime partner Mike Esposito. Robert Kanigher is the writer who gave us the egg-shaped fiend.

Much too politically incorrect for the modern world, it doesn't mean that versions of Egg Fu have not emerged. According to some notes this yellow menace is the result of technology from Apokolips which actually makes a bit of sense. Needless to say, the malevolent and relentless Egg Fu was the product of another time, a time which I am eager to say goodbye to and yet nonetheless miss. Sigh.

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