Thursday, June 13, 2024

Summer Green #4 - Redskin Brothers!

The seventy-ninth issue of the Green Lantern and Green Arrow comic by Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams, this time with Dan Adkins on the inks, finds our team at crossroads.

Confronted with the stark reality of an Indian reservation and the profound poverty which dominates the place, Green Lantern seeks to find a legal solution to the problem and so heads off to find a man who might have in his possession a deed which will spare the Reservation from loggers who are ready to begin taking down the virgin forests.

Green Lantern finds he must battle a raging fire to save the man and fails in his mission. Meanwhile Green Arrow assumes the role of a ghostly Indian brave and tries to scare the loggers into submitting. Both missions fail and the two end up in fisticuffs as their two methods come into futile focus. As it turned out the authorities brought the villains to justice without the help of our heroes.

By the way Black Canary is still around too in this one, spending her time in helping the Native Americans with various medical issues and whatnot.

It was nice to see Green Lantern stand up a bit for himself. Green Arrow's personality is powerful and had dominated the series since its revision, and GL had mostly just tagged along after having his own view of the world cracked. But now we see he might be getting a greater resolve which is what a journey of discovery is all about.

More to come.

This is a verdant vintage Dojo post. 

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