Thursday, November 26, 2020

A Day In The Anti-Life - Who Gets The Bird?

It's "Turkey Day" here in these United States, and a Thanksgiving like this we have not seen in my lifetime that's for sure. This holiday has traditionally been all about gathering together and enjoying a sumptuous repast and recognizing the joys that life can bring. 

This year though there ought not be large gatherings and while the food might be as good, the recognition of joy might be a bit more difficult to accomplish over Skype. These United States of mine have responded to the worldwide pandemic of Covid-19 with as little success as can be measured anywhere on the globe, and we have only our own stupidity and implacable ignorance to blame.

Half the country is fighting mightily to stave off the plague and eventually return life to normal order as soon as possible. The other half apparently couldn't wait for that reality, and were in fact encouraged by lamebrained leaders to go forth and frolic in a fantasy as if no disease afflicted the land. On all levels of government we have witnessed hapless dopes hand out off-the-cuff medical advice which has done all the harm you might well imagine such nitwit pronouncements to manufacture. 

At the top of the heap of miscreants who have wrought this disaster is our very own Numbskull-in-Chief. He's mishandled the pandemic from the get-go and now that he imagines it's no longer his "responsibility" (as if he ever did imagine it was) he's revving up the mishandling. Equally slow at the switch are the Republicans who hold sway in the Senate and have blocked relief for the regular Jane and Joe of America and instead in "Grand Old Party" fashion focused almost exclusively on business interests, their real constituents. 

Our new President has already begun to offer true leadership, but he will be blocked again and again in order for the GOP to gain a rhetorical advantage come next election. The realities of the disease are of little or almost no concern it seems despite Covid's insidious habit of afflicting the rich and powerful and stupid as well as the common bloke. True "Democracy" in action at last sadly. 

Who gets the bird today? Donald Trump and a more eloquent salute to his criminal leadership I cannot imagine. To the GOP I say lead, follow or get off the stage! Enjoy your turkey friends and pass me some virtual cranberries please.

Rip Off


  1. Happy Thanks giving guys. Hopefully things will be better in 2021 for you all and the virus will be on its way out and you will be more united. We are all (mostly) aghast at the antics of Mr Trump here in the UK he just can't seem to stop being an ass!

    1. I rail on about him from time to time to keep my sanity, but really it's all the support he gets that makes me hang my head in befuddlement and sometimes shame. We could be so much better than this. We will be again I have to hope.

  2. At least you can give thanks that Trump will soon be gone. Happy Thanksgiving to you :)

    1. It's like we're visiting the Grand Canyon and for four years the guard rails have been taken away and we teetered dangerously along the edge. With the new leadership I'm beginning to feel like the rails are going back up and we can again enjoy the splendor without the imminent doom.
