Sunday, November 8, 2020

A Day In The Anti-Life - Happy Day!

"I sought this office to restore the soul of America, to rebuild the backbone of this nation. And to make America respected around the world again and to unite us here at home. It is the honor of my lifetime that so many millions of Americans have voted for that vision. And now, the work of making that vision real -- it's a task, the task of our times."  -- President Elect Joe Biden

We have a new President and for the very first time a woman as Vice President, a black woman at that. We now have a leader who will not only think of himself, but show real concern for others and populate his agencies with people who will hew closer to that virtue. There's a lot of broken furniture to repair. This was a repudiation of the last four years of life in these United States. But the nation has been changed, what we always took for granted as the way the system worked has been examined and found wanting. Without a clean sweep of the Senate there will alas not be much done to fix those structural flaws in the governance of the nation. What had long been assumed to be a norm of proper leadership now will need to be legislated and codified to prevent another invader from pillaging and breaking the nice things we always thought we had. The monster has been pushed back, but the monster is not dead, there will be terrible sequels to this awful narrative, new challenges to fend off. Happiness and relief are the right things to feel, but very soon the struggle will need to begin again. The vandals are still out there, they are still coming. But it's nice to have confidence in my President and my country once again. It's nice to once again be proud to be an American. 

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