Friday, October 7, 2011

When Bugs Talk!

Jack Kirby & Dick Ayers

Dick Dillin & Shelly Moldoff

Jack Kirby & Dick Ayers

Murphy Anderson

Dick Dillin & Shelly Moldoff

It's never good when insects start conversing.

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  1. Kool Covers.
    But, wouldn't the bee "firing squad" be committing suicide, since bees die after stinging their prey?
    And, while technically, scorpions are arthopods (like insects), they are arachnids with eight legs (like spiders), not hexpoda/insecta insects (who have six).
    I remember several Silver-Age Marvel stories where the Wasp expressed distaste for that "creepy" (her words) Spider-Man because he was an arachnid!

  2. Bugs is bugs!

    Yeah, that old Wasp thing always struck me as odd, but then both of them were infused with the essence of the critters so I guess it makes some kind of wacky sense.

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