Friday, August 13, 2010

Seduction Of The Innocent!

It's the book I read about, but have never read. Until now!

If like me you always wanted to read the actual words of Fredric Wertham, the man who nearly killed off the comic book industry, then this is a good day.

Here's a link to the entire book (as far as I know).

And here's a link to a neat gallery of the comics referenced in this most significant comics tome.


Rip Off


  1. I always find it so funny that he was challenging the luridness of comics, and gave his book such a lurid title. I couldn't find the link, unfortunately.

  2. Hit the word "link" and you'll find the title and a blank page. Hit one of the chapters on the side and text will appear. It is a bit confusing.

    And lurid is surely the right word for title, and I'm sure it's why no small reason it has remained in the collective memory.

    Rip Off

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. an interesting side note: Wetham was the only psychiatrist to ever interview the infamous Ed Gein!

  5. I may have been seduced, but I was never that innocent!

  6. I've been looking for where that hillbilly cover came from for years (Red Seal Comics #16)! Thanks!

  7. I love this book. I picked up a pretty good condition hardcover at a boot sale years ago. the gay Batman chapter's a work of absolute twisted genious.

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