Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Hawk And The Dove!

The Hawk and The Dove comic was the absolute exquisite product of a powerful moment in American history when the nation was torn about wars abroad and the youth culture of the time was demanding accountability and a new way forward. The schism in the society of the day was between those who had long trusted their government to prosecute necessary wars in the defense of the nation and those who felt that the government had violated the trust of the average citizen by pursuing a war by means of deception. The argument waged between the brothers Hall, who are the titular heroes Hawk and Dove was an argument raging in many if not most households across the nation in the day.

Steve Ditko had left behind his co-creation of Spider-Man and found at DC under editor Dick Giordano, at least momentarily, a haven where he could produce the kinds of politically sensitive stories he craved to present. His Beware The Creeper showcased his long-standing complaint against personal cowardice in the news media and here we see his take on the war debate. He didn't last long on the book, producing only the first three issues (one the Showcase debut issue). Gil Kane with writer Steve Skeates picked up the reins and later Kane himself wrote the stories. The duo also made a guest-starring appearance in the Teen Titans by Neal Adams and Nick Cardy. This led to more appearances in later years and the brothers Hall were considered members of a sort. 

The collection is highly recommended and sits on the very tip top of my reading stack.

The United States is undergoing the greatest stress to its character since those now seemingly far-off days of the Vietnam War. A pirate has swindled and lied his way into the White House and he and his minions seem intent on not just lining their own pockets, but they are breaking the peace of the world to do it. The struggle for the soul of America is far from over. The current powers of the opposition have not fully grokked the nature of the threat, or they hide cowardice and timidity behind parliamentary procedure. New leaders are rising even now, and again it's among the young. The inevitable success of that struggle might well not end in my lifetime, or it might end more quickly than we imagine. These are unprecedented and troubled waters we sail on today. 

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