Monday, March 10, 2025

A Compassionate Spirit!

Here's a great image of The Spirit by Will Eisner. It's from a collection of comics produced in the late 80's as an AIDS benefit book titled Strip AIDS U.S.A. The book features a lot of interesting pages by some dandy talents like Don Simpson, Tom Yeates, Frank Miller, William Meisner Loebs, Ken Steacy, Sergio Aragones, and other names from the decade's Indy crowd. Trina Robbins is credited with coloring this Eisner drawing which served as the back cover of the black and white collection.

(British Anthology)

The late Trina Robbins was in fact the organizing force on this book from Last Gasp and she was inspired by a similar British project. So many parts of mainstream America were quite ugly during the AIDS epidemic, but it's nice to remember there were positive aspects as well. 

(Bill Seinkiewicz)

To check out the complete contents of this collection check out this GCD link

The compassion demonstrated in this time for those suffering from any disease is contrasted with the callous and cruel decrees of the current American President who has cut off both food and medical aid to faraway lands that desperately need it. He lacks the soul to see the blood on his hands that is all too evident to the entire world. 

Rip Off

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