Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A Day In The Anti-Life - Super-Villain Team-Up!

I've kept my views on the news of the day off this blog for several years because things had settled down with a President who obeyed the laws and didn't riff on tormenting the helpless day after day after day, but the quite recent travesty of a Supreme Court decision has moved me to speak up again. I genuinely worry that the democracy I have enjoyed for my many decades on this planet is indeed in danger of disappearing for all practical terms. The case was obviously taken up by the highest court in the land in bad faith because of the timing and extensive duration of consideration, and the decision is dangerous in the extreme. The United States Supreme Court has created a Super-Executive who is not answerable to the laws applicable to the common folk. We are lucky that the man in the office now is a good and decent fellow, who will not order the assassination of his enemies. 

This all happened because the disgraceful cowardice of Republicans in Congress who some years ago failed utterly and shamefully in their duty to impeach and remove our loathsome former president who had instigated an attack on our own Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power. That's what the Constitution clearly demanded they do in that circumstance and for fear of being hurt or killed by their own followers they faded when the moment came to hold him to account for his obvious crimes. Holding the man to account after that has proven difficult and now the Supreme Court has made it all but impossible. We now run the very real risk that an amoral sociopathic traitorous sex-offending convicted felon might become the leader of the free world again. And this time he won't leave office until he dies. 

I still believe that will not happen. I think that the clearly good man named Joe will win the day and save us from our own demons, at least for a short time. But now we have to hope that all future Presidents are good men or good women, because the Supreme Court has made the office a fertile nest for an evil person, an utter villain to wreak havoc on this country and the world. Maybe in practical terms it was always thus, but now we know it can happen for certain.  And we're not out of the woods yet on this one. 

It has been a particularly sad day in the Anti-Life! The villains among us have won a dark victory indeed. It's time for the good guys to win one. 

Stay tuned. 

Rip Off


  1. It's absolutely shocking and disgraceful that US Supreme Court judges are chosen for their political opinions. Here in the UK nobody can even NAME any of our Supreme Court judges let alone tell you their political affiliations and our judges make their decisions based on the law not loyalty to a political cause. America is rotten to the core and the whole world now sees it. I'm sorry if that offends you but that's my opinion. If the "free world" is led by a corrupt clown like Trump and his fascist Republicans there's no hope for the West.

    1. If Trump does indeed shamble into power again, I'd have to agree. I cannot defend this Supreme Court, but earlier courts were key in bringing full rights to many parts of our society. This group of lying posers is in the process of unraveling much of that work. We're likely to lose at least fifty years of progress due to this madness.

      There are fixes in our system. Adding justices to temper the court has been considered and when Biden is re-elected there will be a huge push to do just that. Our core problem is racism, and that's not a problem limited to us, but it is the one that seems to motivate these monsters.

      I have to point out that the power of the United States has kept Europe and much of the world free of an all-consuming war for many decades. If the power of the United States falls into the hands of Trump, that will change. Ukraine will only be the beginning. It's more than a tragedy for us all. France ain't looking good right either.
