Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Phantom Novels - The Veiled Lady!

The Veiled Lady is the fourth novel in the Avon series dedicated to Lee Falk's The Phantom. Ron Goulart (under the pen name "Frank S. Shawn") picks up the writing chores on the series from Basil Copper with this book. The "Veiled Lady" of the title is a dormant volcano, which has proven unknown territory as anyone passing its misty barriers is never seen again. The general wisdom in Bangalla is to leave it well enough alone. 

So, the leader of the Jungle Patrol Colonel Weeks is more than a bit surprised when a beautiful blonde scientist named Doctor Janet Love and her companion Professor Karl Waagener arrive and cannot be persuaded to give up her scheme to penetrate the mist and explore this unknown territory. At the same time unknown to all a villain named Barber is contracting with a chap named Tinn to keep tabs on the expedition, convinced they seek treasure and not biological research. Despite the Colonel's pleas the pair hire a helicopter piloted by Gabe McClennan and enter the volcano, penetrating its misty veil. 

When the Jungle Patrol loses contact, The Phantom is concerned and follows the expedition into the volcano. He climbs down as opposed to using air power. He finds them, but there are injuries to be dealt with. Also, there is a strange world inside the "Veiled Lady", a territory vibrant in life which grows to proportions not seen in the outside world. Giant insects abound among other things. The Phantom fights furiously to keep himself and the expedition safe, but his task is made even more difficult when Barber sends in Tinn and another man to get the treasure he's so sure is in the volcano. Meanwhile the Jungle Patrol investigate some tomfoolery concerning the folks involved. The eruption of the "Veiled Lady" changes things for everyone. 

This story is told at a breakneck pace. Goulart is a master of whipping out these yarns and his skills are on full display. We get plenty of adventure and plenty weirdness as well. The absolute resolute nature of the Phantom is on display as he deals with the myriad complications which forestall him saving everyone. But despite his best efforts, not everyone makes it out alive. This is a good one and highly recommended. 

Next time we get another Goulart effort titled The Golden Circle. 

Rip Off

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