Monday, February 13, 2023

Rocky Jones - Space Ranger!

Listen and learn this -- Rocky Jones is pretty entertaining television. I just finished watching a gaggle of Rocky Jones episodes. I've seen some of these shows in their blended form when the three-part stories were turned into movies, but the show is clearly much better enjoyed in its original episodic format. I must say I was impressed.
Rocky Jones as played by Richard Crane is a no-nonsense two-fisted spaceman who runs up against the machinations of an evil space queen, pirates, and even deadly wandering moons. Assisted by his sidekick Winky (played by Scotty Beckett) he along with eye-candy Vena Ray (played by Sally Mansfield),a chipper youngster named Bobby (played by Robert Lyden) and Professor Newton (played by Maurice Cass) rocket around in their spaceship the Orbit Jet. The show clearly had aspirations, offering up stories in mostly three-episode arcs. The origin introduces the characters very effectively and sets up the main tension between the noble federation of planets represented by Rocky and the vile space queen who rules her world with an iron hand. They clash either directly or indirectly in most of the subsequent episodes until there is a actually a resolution at the end of the first half of the season. The episodes that are widely available from many sources seem only to offer these episodes, but they do form a somewhat cohesive story.

Some of the shows are quite talky, but most feature some rugged fisticuffs which reminded me of the vintage Republic fights which are held in high regard. For TV the action can be quite vivid from time to time. The special effects on this show are I guess pretty good for the time, though a modern viewer will need to adjust his expectations. I noticed some old Republic hands operating as henchmen in this one too.

The acting is surprisingly strong, though some actors have to struggle with gibberish lines since the show logically has some aliens incapable of speaking English. This is noble attempt, but does make for clunky staging at times. Some really good actors show up in this thing. The show clearly wanted to take itself seriously while at the same time wanting to have a fun show keyed to the interests of kids. The trilogy which reprises episodes from Homer's The Odyssey is cleverly done, though a bit overwrought by the end. The final trilogy featuring the impending collision of two planets is downright exciting with some really first-rate pacing.

From what I've read, the show last one season, but made a bit impression and is still with us because the producers had the foresight to put it on film. The actor who played Winky apparently got into some significant legal trouble and was replaced in episodes I have not seen and sadly Maurice Cass passed away soon after the first season was completed. The seems to have had a bit of a curse. But it also has a neat polish and holds up well, if you adjust your settings for the 1950's. Charlton did four Rocky Jones comics as part of their Space Adventures volume one run, and some of the stories have been reprinted. I have at least one around here, and I need to find it. 

NOTE: This is a Dojo Revised Classic Post. 

Rip Off


  1. I've never heard of Rocky Jones before but according to Wikipedia the first episode was broadcast on February 23rd 1954, just over seven weeks after my parents were married on January 1st 1954. I'll have a look on YouTube to see if there are any episodes.

  2. I just started watching Flash Gordon's 50s show, but I see that Rocky Jones is also onTubi (both the fueature-length cut and the individual episodes), so I'll check it out when I'm done with Flash! (Btw, I love how they pasted Steve Holland0s head on top of Buster Crabbe's body on the cover of that DVD set XD)

    1. That is a rather weird image. Holland is the unknown pulp icon of the 20th century.

  3. I'm old enough to watch this on TV back in the 50's. This show is in the public domain. I bought a DVD for a dollar. All the kids in my neighborhood watched this show and Commando Cody.

    1. Commando Cody is my favorite. I have been feeling the need to revisit those Rocketman adventures for quite some time now.
