Friday, April 15, 2022

A Tale Of Two Dojos - The Return!

And just like that we are back in business. When I closed Rip Jagger's Other Dojo a few years ago it was so that I could return to its big brother here, the original Rip Jagger's Dojo. That blog was a potential lifeboat in case of potential problems at this site and as we know now, it turns out there are. So, this old place will close up again (still available for reading if not for commenting) and new conversations and posts can be begin at Rip Jagger's Other Dojo. I want to welcome old friends and hope to see new visitors as well. 

One thing will change and that is the daily nature of the blog. As it turns out I have been meaning to cut back a bit on the posting for a while. There has been a near daily post at my sites for nearly a decade and a half and I'd like to pull back a bit. Expect new content for certain, but don't be surprised if a day or two slips by without a new posting. 

So let's get started. Join me at Rip Jagger's Other Dojo. 

Rip Off


  1. Hooray!!! Your comments option has returned.

    1. "O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! He chortled in his joy."
