One of the best four-letter words is "Free". While I was a fan of the King Features comics from Dynamite a few years ago, I didn't get the Flash Gordon series for whatever reason. Since then, I've eyeballed the trade collection several times but never popped for it. The other day while leaving my local comic shop I saw a stack of the trades by the door. That usually means the owner has despaired of selling them and is offering them up as a giveaway and I confirmed that with the shop keeper and yes indeed this series by Jeff Parker and Evan Shaner is now in my grubby mitts. I have a hard time resisting free. And as it turns out, the story is even better than I expected. It moves along at a dandy pace and moves across the myriad landscapes of Mongo with proper aplomb. I find I am almost always impressed with the stories written by Jeff Parker. The core of this particular story is Flash Gordon himself as we learn, in a way which was most affecting, just why he's a hero that an entire civilization could wrap its hopes up in. It's really quite good -- I would've paid twice the price.

Here are some of the covers. Of course with Dynamite you can never see all of the covers because they print so many different ones.
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